Dr David Hill

MBBS, FANZCA, FRACGP, Grad Dip Rural, C.Dec

Paediatric Anaesthesia, Anaesthesia for Spinal Surgery, Ultrasound for Vascular Access and Regional Anaesthesia, Simulation Training in Medicine, Medical Teaching

Dr Hill graduated from medicine at the University of Queensland in 1989. He worked in North Queensland for 7 years, which included time as a GP Anaesthetist and time with the Royal Flying Doctors Service. He left General Practice in 1996 to commence his formal anaesthetic training. His training included time in England at The Bristol Royal Infirmary and Bath Royal United and Canada at The BC Children’s Hospital as well as an Anaesthetic Fellowship at Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA.

Since 2001 he has worked in Brisbane, joining Wickham Terrace Anaesthesia in 2003. He continues to provide teaching to anaesthetic trainees and paramedics through his public hospital appointment at the Queensland Children’s Hospital (LCCH).

Dr Hill is happily married with 4 children, he enjoys barefoot trail running, waterskiing and competing in American Barbecue.